作為雙方品牌第三次的年度聯乘企劃,WISDOM® 與 GOOPiMADE® 將帶著大家從一個構築在數學科幻論述上的時空跳躍者,從 03 到 04,以瘋狂的想法引領你進入下一個維度空間。
本次聯名系列作,靈感源自於美國短篇科幻小說及同名微電影《被隱匿的數字》(Colin Levy),故事闡述一位終生致力於數論研究的天才數學家,堅持數字3與4之間還有一個整數存在,名為「BLEEM」,縱使已被移送至精神病院且無人相信其理論的真實性,他依舊堅信這個數字正是現行人類智慧所無法解開科學謎團的關鍵。「 3與4之間的整數,稱之為BLEEM。」,人類生活於第三維度空間,而更高等的文明或處於更高維度的空間,天才數學家認為人之所以無法向上發展是因為數學能力的不足,二維是平面,三維是空間,而第四維度則多出了時間這個概念,只要證明「BLEEM」的存在,就可能穿越不同時空。
WISDOM® and GOOPiMADE®’s third collaboration this year delivers a dimension jumper built upon the theories of mathematics and science fiction, a mad concept that will lead you from 03 to 04 and down another dimension.
The collaboration finds its inspiration from an American short sci-fi story and the derivative 15-minute film by Colin Levy in which a brilliant mathematician that has devoted his entire life to mathematical theories obsesses over a secret integer that exists between 3 and 4, calling it BLEEM. He continues to believe that the integer BLEEM is the key to solving currently unexplainable scientific mysteries even after he was admitted into a psychiatric ward and no one believing in him. “The integer between 3 and 4, BLEEM.” Human lives in the third dimension and perhaps a more advanced civilization exists in a higher dimension. The brilliant mathematician believed that humans could not develop further because the two-dimension is flat, the three-dimension is space, and the four-dimension introduces the concept of time. As long as we were to prove the existence of BLEEM, we could travel between different space-times.
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