wisdom® 2017-18 A/W COLLECTION 秋冬到貨。
起程 為自己踏上歷練旅途,
飛翔 遙想異鄉也不過咫尺,
- wisdom官方網站:http://www.wisdom2009.com/
- wisdom臉書專頁:https://zh-tw.facebook.com/wisdomapparel2009/
To depart is to train oneself on a journey
To take flight is to yearn for a foreign land and go for it
Along with mobility come the senses of light and sound, color and aroma, and smell and touch.
Our simple lightweight clothing is the closest protective gear
Continue to step forward
You’ll feel not only safe but full of courage
wisdom® 2017-18 A/W COLLECTION LOOKBOOK:
Creative Director_Hans Chyi
Photographer_Sih Wei Chen
Model_Shiro Chang
Brand Manager_Alister Chen
Designer_Zoe Wang
Pattern Cutter_Ying-Yu Chen
Supervisor_JengJr Huang
Assist_Lea Tsai
Copyright© Whitemount LTD. / wisdom® All Rights Reserved.
- wisdom官方網站:http://www.wisdom2009.com/
- wisdom臉書專頁:https://zh-tw.facebook.com/wisdomapparel2009/