【滿額贈】單筆購買 Gramicci 滿 5,000 元,結帳時可選 Gramicci x retaW 香片 1 入,數量有限,送完為止!
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森³君 × 太陽龍宮 保溫保冷隨行壺_象牙白 IVORY

NT$ 1,480.00

太陽龍宮 Moon Face Dragon Temple





◌ 霧面質感,磨砂塗層不易刮傷

◌ 304雙層不鏽鋼,雙層真空隔熱

◌ 有效保溫 (65 °C以上) 或保冷 (8°C以下) 6小時

◌ 雙層蓋口的設計,隔離冰塊、茶包,方便飲用

◌ volume : 500ml

◌ size : φ74 x H226 mm/約300g

◌ color : 象牙白 IVORY

◌ material : 不鏽鋼 (粉末塗層)、聚丙烯、矽橡膠

◌ design by : 太陽龍宮 MFDT

◌ made by : KINTO

◌ price : NTD$1480

Shipping Instructions

1.國內 / Domestic:


Standard delivery (ensure correct postal code). Delivery takes 1-3 business days (excluding holidays) after logistics pick-up.

2.海外 / International:

海外寄送服務(不適用於 Mystery Ranch 與 Nanga 商品),請提供英文收件資訊,運送時間依報關流程,無法配送地區將另行通知。

Overseas shipping service (excluding Mystery Ranch and Nanga products). Please provide recipient details in English. Delivery time depends on customs clearance, and non-serviceable areas will be notified.

3.提醒 / Note:


Ensure accurate recipient information to avoid delays or additional charges. Shipping progress can be tracked via system updates.