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eye_C magazine No. 02 AUTUMN/WINTER 19

NT$ 780.00

Quiet yet aware, eye_C purveys the best of both established and blossoming, joining up with many a label to showcase through the lens of wholehearted admiration. With each passing issue — though just a small, dynamic fraction of the industry at large — we’re aiming to go well beyond what rests on the page.

The printed version of eye_C magazine returns for Autumn/Winter ‘19 featuring norbit by Hiroshi Nozawa on the cover. Once again we offer an array of exclusive editorials and product highlights in a simple and straightforward way from both established and more up and coming labels ranging from WACKO MARIA, Mountain Research and doublet to Comfy Outdoor Garment, FACCIES and superNova. just to name a few.

Shipping Instructions

1.國內 / Domestic:


Standard delivery (ensure correct postal code). Delivery takes 1-3 business days (excluding holidays) after logistics pick-up.

2.海外 / International:

海外寄送服務(不適用於 Mystery Ranch 與 Nanga 商品),請提供英文收件資訊,運送時間依報關流程,無法配送地區將另行通知。

Overseas shipping service (excluding Mystery Ranch and Nanga products). Please provide recipient details in English. Delivery time depends on customs clearance, and non-serviceable areas will be notified.

3.提醒 / Note:


Ensure accurate recipient information to avoid delays or additional charges. Shipping progress can be tracked via system updates.