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Wisdom x OqLiq x Nozzle Socks -Black/Grey (兩入)

NT$ 980.00


* 面料組織紋理呼應聯名款式布料的線條及網格構成

* 襪款採用拼接組織紋理及拼色效果


* 雙色一組販售增添搭配性

Tyvek® 外包裝可水洗與重複使用


Fabric texture echoes the lines and grid structure running through the fabric pattern in this  

   cross-branding collection

Socks use a combination of woven textures and color-blocking effects


Sold as a set in two different colors for matchability

Tyvek® outer packaging is washable and reusable


WISDOM® x oqLiq ft. nozzle quiz Tear Resistant Patch Socks

Material:48% Acrylic, 38% Nylon, 10% Skinlife, 3% Lycra, 1% Polyester

Color:Black / Grey


Price:NTD$ 980

*獲得更多商品資訊可聯繫我們的Line Official*



全長 Length - 25-29

Model:179CM /61KG

SIZE:上衣:L , 外套:M , 褲子:L

*All sizing information refers to relaxed sizes in centimeters.*

Shipping Instructions

1.國內 / Domestic:


Standard delivery (ensure correct postal code). Delivery takes 1-3 business days (excluding holidays) after logistics pick-up.

2.海外 / International:

海外寄送服務(不適用於 Mystery Ranch 與 Nanga 商品),請提供英文收件資訊,運送時間依報關流程,無法配送地區將另行通知。

Overseas shipping service (excluding Mystery Ranch and Nanga products). Please provide recipient details in English. Delivery time depends on customs clearance, and non-serviceable areas will be notified.

3.提醒 / Note:


Ensure accurate recipient information to avoid delays or additional charges. Shipping progress can be tracked via system updates.